Debunking the Climate Refugee Myth

Climate is not the reason for migration

Turns out agricultural production is up and islands are growing contrary to the settled science. 

Embarrassing how experience keeps falsifying all those projections. 

People aren’t fleeing climate change, they are fleeing exactly the kind of government the Democrats are trying to give us here. 

31 thoughts on “Debunking the Climate Refugee Myth

  1. Laughable nonsense. Through and through

    1. The fact that a few commercial crops in a couple of countries are doing well does not refute the disruption to traditional food and water supplies in various locations.
    2. The fact that global cereal production is good is not evidence that there have not been disruptions to traditional food and water supplies in various locations.

    3. The fact that the proximate cause of migration is often “war, political persecution, crime, and poverty” does not disprove that the underlying cause is disruptions to traditional food and water supplies.

    4. The fact that wealthier and better organized countries (Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia) were able to hold together in the face of climate change is not evidence that Syria’s failure to do so had nothing to do with disruptions to traditional food and water supplies.

    5. The fact that certain reefs have grown (coral TRY to keep within a certain distance of the surface) is not evidence that sea levels are increasing.

    6. The fact that certain very low lying countries are still there does not mean they are not threatened by rising seas.

    etc. etc. etc.

    In short, if this kind of rubbish from this kind of source (Heartland? Townhall? Really?) is the strongest “evidence” you can muster then you really need to think differently about climate change. IMHO. It is real. It is dangerous. It needs to be addressed.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So, prove that migrations are currently being driven by climate change in the face of record agricultural production and the well know adaptability of coral reefs.


      1. “Prove that migrations are currently being driven by climate change . . .”

        Your challenge is like the old joke about the fellow falling off a building who says as he passes a window on the 30th floor “Doing fine so far.”

        With that said, there are already numerous locations where life has been disrupted by food and water shortages. Syria is one and, as is well-known, Syrians are migrating to Europe in record numbers. But it is not just Syria. The UN has identified 20 food crisis areas that are having the same effect – people with NO CHOICE but to migrate.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Syria has had periodic droughts lasting decades since biblical times.

          The difference is that now the population is greated than the area can support during the droughts.


    1. When I pointed out years ago that coral islands could adapt to rising sea levels, you called that denial.

      The truth is that the primary threat to coral islands is flashlights.


      1. “When I pointed out years ago that coral islands . . . ”

        I do not recall that discussion. Since I know that new coral grows on dead coral to stay nearer the surface I doubt that I denied the coral reefs could grow. Some can keep up and some cannot. It depends on how rapidly sea level rises.

        With that said, people cannot live on top of living and growing coral so it is not clear what the point might be in any case.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s where the threat of the flashlights comes in.

          Parrot fish eat coral and poop sand. That’s where the islands inside the atoll come from and that’s how the islands keeo ahead of sea level rise(it’s up 400 feet since the last ice age) .

          But the parrotfish sleep on top of the reef at night and the islanders have learned they are easily caught using a flash light as they walk or drift on top of the reef.

          Remember it now?


          1. Remember it now?

            Well, actually I do not. But let me say today that it is a nonsense argument. The geologic process that you describe – even without flashlights – is nowhere near sufficient to save certain countries and low lying coastal areas from sea level increases that are happening in historical rather than geological time frames.


          2. And yet, the coral reefs that make up an atoll are up to 400 feet tall and the rate of sea level rise at the end of the last ice age was much faster than today, up to 2.5 meters /100years, 10 X the current rate.


          3. Even of those projections prove to be true, and so far NONE of the predicted disasters has materialized, it’s still cheaper to relocate 200 million people than to try to limit CO2.


      2. …”that the primary threat to coral islands is flashlights.”

        Really? Flashlights?

        According to Berkeley Lab “Worldwide, coral is threatened by rising sea temperatures associated with global warming, pollution from coastal soil runoff and sewage, and a number of diseases. The organism’s acute susceptibility to environmental change has given it a reputation as a canary in the coalmine: if it suffers, other species will soon follow.”


          1. Which is it? Flashlights or suntan lotion?

            The true danger to the reefs is the rising sea level temperatures. Are the other contributing factors? Sure. But the real culprit is HEAT.


          2. Depends

            Killing parrotfish prevents sand production, which is what washes up and preserves the island.

            Suntan lotion kills the coral polyps and results in what is called Coral Bleaching. (not the only cause)


  2. RE: “People aren’t fleeing climate change, they are fleeing exactly the kind of government the Democrats are trying to give us here.”

    That people don’t flee climate change should be intuitively obvious. How would they even know climate change is happening?


    1. “That people don’t flee climate change should be intuitively obvious. How would they even know climate change is happening?”

      Intuitively obvious? Really? Is it that hard for you to understand?
      Here, let me help. People know it is time to leave when they cannot grow a crop, raise a cow or find water to drink.

      It may be “intuitively obvious” that the parents of this child won’t flee from climate change – they may have never even heard of it – but it is also obvious that they have no choice but to flee from its effects.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Well, if that is the point it is an extremely trivial one, even for you. Just because someone forced from their homes by drought or floods or fire does not know about global climate change does not mean that they are not fleeing from its effects. Duh!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. but the point of the article is that they are NOT fleeing climate change.

            They are fleeing excess population for the land in bad cycles, and pollical and religious oppression, and the inevitable poverty that results from straying from free market principles.

            Climate is largely irrelevant to migration, it is just politically advantageous to claim otherwise.


          2. LOL! You are getting into JRT levels of deliberate obtuseness.

            Climate change IS making life untenable in various parts of the world that were already on the margin. The causal relationship between increasing food and water shortages and civil strife could not be more self-evident. The geographic extent of such newly unlivable places is constantly growing. Massive disruptions, conflicts and migrations are the unescapable effect. I am not making this stuff up.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Except that there are no climate related food or water shortages.

            There are shortages relative to increased populations, and there are cyclical droughts, but there as yet are no increases in drought and food production is at record highs, thanks in part to CO2 fertilization.


          4. “Except that there are no climate related food or water shortages.”

            “Alternative facts” all you got? Again?
            Oh, yeah, and high school biology about CO2 being used by plants.

            Liked by 1 person

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