Governor Glenn Youngkin Signs 11 Day One Executive Actions

Source: Governor of Virginia (official website).

Although other executive actions have received more attention, the one that interests me most is Number Seven, Establishing the Commission On Human Trafficking Prevention and Survivor Support.

Human trafficking is modern day slavery. It doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Forming a commission to address the problem in Virginia may seem a modest action, but it is a first step that — not taken — might never have been noticed.

37 thoughts on “Governor Glenn Youngkin Signs 11 Day One Executive Actions

  1. While I agree this a a good EO, I would say that it is not as ignored as you think in Virginia. I found this from 2013.

    Click to access human-trafficking.pdf

    Based on who was governor at the time, Gov McDonnell signed this one.

    The link to the ED is dead, but the .pdf file shows that, while it is a terrible problem to have to be concerned with, it is not necessarily a new initiative by Gov. Youngkin.


    1. RE: “While I agree this a a good EO, I would say that it is not as ignored as you think in Virginia.”

      My impression that human trafficking doesn’t get the attention it deserves is based on personal experience. I have raised the subject many times over a number of years, and every time I do somebody expresses apathy.

      Not saying that’s you in this instance, but I often think that people who care a great deal about historical slavery in America would also care a great deal about contemporary slavery. In my experience this is not the case.


  2. The best way to address human trafficking is to legalize prostitution and make legal immigration easier.

    It’s hard to enslave someone if they can call the cops without fear of incarceration or deportation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “The best way to address human trafficking is to legalize prostitution”…

      Always part of the Libertarian platform. However, while I agree with it, I’m not sure how much of the trafficking would be affected by that legalization.


  3. EO Number 1 violates principles that “conservatives” say they believe in. Local control of education is an obvious one, but more insidious is establishing the need for some sort of central government censorship/thought police that are going be deciding what materials incorporate “inherently divisive concepts.”

    EO Number 2 and 6 will end up killing an indeterminate number of people. This pandemic is not over and the governor cannot just wish it away.

    EO Number 5 attacking VEC and DMV is NOT the way to improve the performance of these agencies. Internal witch hunts and witch hunters only undermine morale and cause people to hide issues that should be aired.

    EO Number 9 is a step back from Virginians taking more responsibility for our impacts on the environment.

    I know nothing about the new parole board, but I hope they know that reasonable and realistic hope for parole is an important aspect of prison management.

    To be fair to the Governor he is acting in accordance with various political promises that he made. Elections have consequences and hope every Democrat who sat out the last election is feeling the shame they should.


    1. Regarding EO2, do you have any evidence that schools without mask mandates have any difference in COVID rates not echoed by their community rates?

      Cloth masks have not shown any usefulness per the CDC, and may make transmission worse by aerosolizing large droplets into small ones. There are no N 95 or KN 95 masks in kid’s sizes,

      Regarding EO6, With Omicron, there is no difference in transmission between vaccinated or not, so those who choose not to vaccinate hurt no one but themselves, That is their right.


      1. The CDC recommends the wearing of masks in schools. Period. The better the masks the better, obviously. Youngkin taking away the authority of local schools to follow the best science-based guidance is pure Trumpism putting “what some people are saying” ahead of science in order to pander to his base. And, as noted, you people are FOR local control of schools, remember?

        BTW, CDC has been following the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. There are contrarian opinions – as there are on most subjects – but such opinions should not be the basis for taking authority away from communities.

        The CDC did a comparative study of Arizona school districts last year. The findings: “In the two largest Arizona counties, with variable K–12 school masking policies at the onset of the 2021–22 academic year, the odds of a school-associated COVID-19 outbreak were 3.5 times higher in schools with no mask requirement than in those with a mask requirement implemented at the time school started.”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. And none of those “studies” standardizes results to community spread.

          You understand self-selecting samples, right?

          The CDC has recommended all sorts of terrible ideas, including race based distribution of vaccines and scarce therapeutics.

          At this point, the CDC has zero credibility for me. Perhaps less than zero.


          1. “At this point, the CDC has zero credibility for me”

            Frankly, I have never doubted that mask wearing helps stop the spread of disease. That is simple common sense. I remember well how you responded to Trump’s poor results compared to Japan and Korea by referencing their cultural tradition of wearing masks in public as the explanation, so you believe it too. I suppose.

            Whatever credibility CDC has with you is irrelevant. Local schools and the elected officials who run them should decide what is safest for their students, teachers, and staff based on CDC guidance, the AAP or whatever source THEY choose to follow. A state mandate on a matter like this is simply not justified and it goes against principles you people SAY you believe in.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I was an early advocate of masks too, and still am in some circumstances, but I am also capable of changing my position with new data.

            The idea of cloth masks was initially more to protect others. the 95 masks protect the user as well.

            But it has become clear that cloth masks, which is what children are wearing as the 95s are not available for them, may well be counterproductive.

            A saturated cloth mask acts as an atomizer, breaking big droplets that would fall to the floor in a few feet into tiny droplets that will remain suspended long enough to evaporate. That enhances transmission.

            If we were sending kids to school with a half dozen laundered cloth masks to be changed hourly, you might be able to make a case that they have some value in protecting others(though zero value protecting that child) but as we are doing it, with one cloth mask per day, it is worse than nothing.

            I still wear a KN95 mask when I go into a crowded indoor space, but masks for my grandkids in school make no sense. In fact, since Omicron is becoming endemic, they will all get it sooner or later, and sooner shortens the dangerous period for the vulnerable.


  4. THE EO regarding RGGI was passed by the Legislature. He can’t make it go away with an EO. Even if AG Miyares changes the opinion of his predecessor. He would be wrong.


          1. “The RGGI is the major change made with a slim majority, and a major part of why the majority was lost by Dems.”

            Slim majority? Again, I must remind you. Your arguments based on your made up facts are worse than useless. They make you look bad.

            The Democrats won a decisive victory to put Northam in office. 54-45. As close to a landslide as you are going to see. Youngkins majority this year was indeed slim.

            So, I will stand by my observation. Changes based on a slim majority are okay if they are changes that YOU want. I have no problem with that. Just get off your high horse about this “principle.”

            Liked by 1 person

          2. RGGI ,which helped put millions of dollars into resiliency funding is NOT the reason the majority was lost by the Democrats. They lost because the GOP in VA, led by Youngkin, used baseless fear tactics to convince voters that CRT is really being taught and that election results are NOT being audited. Both lies, both fear mongering, both on PAGE ONE of the GOP playbook. Not really policy proposals on the campaign trail, just fear mongering.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. I did not see a rise in my personal rates. And I live in a subsiding area.

            And those other areas benefit greatly from those of us who live where we do.

            Your attitudes about elitism rears its ugly head again.


          4. “1 vote in the VA Senate is a slim majority”

            The Senate consists of just 40 seats. They used to be 3 to 1 GOP. Now they are evenly split in spite of the heavily rural bias of the Senate. We are a democracy of people. Not cows.

            There was no Senate election in 2017, but all 100 seats in the House of Delegates were on the table. Before the election of 2017 Republicans held 66 House of Delegate seats. When the dust settled, they had lost 15 of them (and 6 more in 2018). That too is decisive. Northam had a STRONG mandate from the people for everything he did.

            Liked by 1 person

          5. And they own a lot more of those than Dems.

            RGGI is a win-win for Dominion and consumers. But because it is not completely controlled by the market, you believe it is just pain bad. Blinded by your own Libertarianism.

            Liked by 1 person

          6. Dominion is ithe subsidy collecting business.

            For consumers it is a win only if they own low lying property and want others who do not enjoy the advantages of living near the water to subsidize their choice to do so.


          7. “1 vote in the Senate, spin notwithstanding”

            The Senate was 21-19 when Virginia joined the RGGI. That is 2 votes or 53% vs 47%. Your math is kind of off. Accidental? Seems like pretty easy math.

            And, since this narrow Senate split is so important to you, may I remind you that the Senate is STILL 21-19. By your SUPPOSED standard, Youngkin does not have a “slim majority.” He has NO majority at all. And therefore, should not be changing big things. Right?

            In the real world, the Democrats won a decisive victory in 2017 and by your SUPPOSED standard were entitled to make the changes that they ran on. And now, based on a slim victory over a poor candidate, the new governor is reversing what was done. With no majority at all. And you think that is just dandy.

            The point is not that the governor cannot or should not do what he has the legal authority to do. Elections have consequences. The point is that your SUPPOSED standard is one YOU don’t actually support when the change is something YOU want or something YOU oppose.

            Liked by 1 person

      1. MY point being is that the Governor, regardless of who His Excellency is, CANNOT change a law passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the previous governor through executive fiat. If he wants to change it, he needs to get the Legislature to do so.


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