6 thoughts on “Whoops!

  1. This is reminiscent of those modern Republicans who argue that Lincoln was a Republican and the Democrats were the Jim Crow party.

    True enough. Coke used to put cocaine in their product, too.

    Things change.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Some do, some don’t.

      The Democratic Party of the Jim Crow era was in all other ways just as it is today. Redistributionist, authoritarian, and centralist. You would find very little policy difference between Woodrow Wilson and Elizabeth Warren.

      The racism is just more subtle now.


      1. @Tabor

        There is some racism in any group of people. However, thanks to Mr. Trump we now don’t have to seek out those “subtle” forms of it. In the GOP it is out in the open and proud of it.

        This statement is, of course, complete nonsense . . . “You would find very little policy difference between Woodrow Wilson and Elizabeth Warren.”

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This is how reasonable policies get developed in times of unreasonably partisan politics. If one side has an idea that the other cannot just simply lie away, then they are forced to develop a not-so-unreasonable alternative… even if being facetious.

    Consider that Obamacare was a Republican distraction from Hillary’s attempt at Single Payer. They just didn’t expect that someone from the Democrats would say, “Ya know, that might actually work, too. At least it will buy us some time.”

    Liked by 3 people

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