Murders and Extremism

The Anti-Defamation League has released this new compilation on deadly political violence over the last ten years. The findings are clear. Deadly political violence is mostly committed on behalf of right-wing ideology. This fact has been noted before, but this careful compilation makes it even more clear – Political violence is a right-wing thing.

For the ten years ending in 2021, there were 443 deaths caused by politically motivated killings. 75% were the acts of “conservatives.” 4% were the acts of “leftists” and “black nationalists.” Almost all the rest was the result of the Islamist who killed 49 people at an Orlando night club in 2016.

The most recent example – the Buffalo massacre – is after the period studied but it illustrates how the inciteful and divisive rhetoric that is common on Fox News and other “conservative” outlets gets turned into deadly action. In this case, the maniac was literally quoting nonsense spread by Tucker Carlson.

This deadly pattern is not going to go away until EVERYBODY – not just Democrats – condemns the lies, distortions and hate speech that fuels it.

62 thoughts on “Murders and Extremism

          1. Ok, for example. they do not count the policemen shot in ambushes as political or hate killings. If they did so, BLM would have a far more dangerous rating than the KKK.


          2. Ah, so when rhetoric by racists leads to violence, that is legitimate cause for condemning all conservatives, but when rhetoric by the Marxist BLM leads to the ambush murders of scores of policemen, no one is to blame.


          3. What about…? You can do better than that.

            Obviously not all conservatives, like not all liberals, are violent. But you did end the debate predictably.

            Liked by 1 person

          4. The issue was whether ADL is biased and its analysis valid,

            I provided an example demonstrating that biased and its uselessness in evaluating anything.

            That’s not a ‘whatabout.’


          5. …” scores of policemen”..

            Cite for scores.

            Were police officers killed in the social justice protest?, Yes. But if you pay attention you will see that the ADL dose address that. It’s just small potatoes compared to the violence perpetrated on innocent people.


          6. “According to statistics reported to the FBI, 129 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents in 2021. Of these, 73 officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 56 officers died in accidents.”


            The report breaks down the how’s and why’s in great detail.

            How many of the 73 were BLM related?

            Police killed 1055 in the same year.

            All of those deaths are tragic and regrettable.

            We are 7th in the world (after Philippines, Brazil, etc.) in number of people killed by police. No other western industrial nation comes even close.


            Bottom line: we are killing each other at a seriously high clip. BLM has little to do with this problem. Guns might be the main issue.

            Liked by 1 person

          7. They also do not count the more than 1,000 people killed by police each year and they are disproportionately not white. Who knows how many of those killings were caused by Replacement theory hatred.

            Criminals have been killing police since the beginning of time. I agree that if there is evidence that such a tragedy was politically motivated, it should be in their compilation. I am not going to accept your statement as evidence that there are such deliberate omissions. Any cites?

            Your suggestion that whatever police murders occur are the work of BLM marks confirms again that you and Tucker are birds of a feather.

            Liked by 1 person

          8. You were quick to blame Tucker Carleson for the Buffalo shooter’s actions, even though there is no evidence he even watched him, but you will give BLM a pass in spite of their inflammatory rhetoric regarding the police.

            You are blind to the consequences of rhetoric you sympathize with, much like the ADL.


          9. …”, but you will give BLM a pass in spite of their inflammatory rhetoric regarding the police.”

            That is an overstatement of gran proportions on your part. Not one person here condoned the violence. Not to mention that it has been proven that many of the peaceful protests were infiltrated by other groups that started much of the violence that led to death and destruction


          10. “You were quick to blame Tucker Carleson”…

            His spreading of the Great Replacement lie is part of it. Is he solely responsible for the shooting? No. Did he contribute to the hatred that led to it? Yes. Unless you think he is not on the most watched cable news network n the country.

            I remind you that words have consequences the same way elections do.

            Liked by 1 person

          11. “Quick to blame Tucker Carlson” without evidence?

            Put your thinking cap on. The manifesto published by the maniac had long passages lifted almost verbatim from Tucker’s racist rants.

            BLM “inflammatory rhetoric” is based on the truth. If “legacy Americans” (Tucker’s euphemism for white people) like you had to suffer the indignities, aggression, and violence of the police the way that non-white Americans have had to do, you would be as mad as Hell as well.

            Liked by 1 person

          12. You’ve read the manifesto? I haven’t been able to find it.

            What passages were lifted from Carleson?

            Or are you parroting what you’re being told?

            So, BLM is OK? Hate speech and inciting violence is OK when you agree I guess.


  1. Time for “de-nazification”. 😇 (NRT…?)

    Our own gangs were called on to be on “standby” for the last president. With that kind of endorsement, what would anyone with a lick of sense expect?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. RE: “This deadly pattern is not going to go away until EVERYBODY – not just Democrats – condemns the lies, distortions and hate speech that fuels it.”

    There is another possibility. The deadly pattern may be rooted in evolutionary biology; it may be genetic. In that case, condemning it would be a waste of time.

    One of the reasons I will never support Democrats is they are always condemning someone.


    1. …”are always condemning someone.”

      Mostly those deserving of condemnation. You, on the other hand, condemn only that which you do not believe to be true, even wen all of the facts tell anyone with a clear mind that it is. You even go to great ends to justify your fallacy-based beliefs.. In fact you tend to spread it support it and condone it.


        1. You reject condemning those who should be condemned? Then you love and support them by your deference.

          The Buffalo self-proclaimed White Supremacist, the Tree of Life shooter, the Ride shooter, the Taiwanese Church shooter, the El Paso Walmart shooter, none, in your mind deserve condemnation.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. RE: “You reject condemning those who should be condemned?”

          Show me who is qualified to identify “those who should be condemned.” I don’t accept you or Mr. Murphy for that role.


          1. “Show me who is qualified to identify “those who should be condemned.””.

            Seeing as you condemn several things, including Biden, Harris, MSM, just to name a few, how are YOU qualified?

            Liked by 1 person

          2. And you are saying that those I mentioned above are not deserving of condemnation? Mass murderers who kill people because of who they are, who they pray to, or who they love. They do not deserve to be condemned? That is a pretty scary way to view things.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. RE: “how are YOU qualified?”

            I don’t claim to be. Here’s the rule I try to follow: First I state my opinion, then I give reasons for believing it. Others can decide for themselves to accept or reject my views. I don’t need to be a god.

            Do you?


    2. “The deadly pattern may be rooted in evolutionary biology”

      No, I cannot accept your premise that “conservatives” are born inherently more violent than everyone else. If genetics has anything to do with it, it is more likely that “conservatives” are born with a lower level of intelligence making them more susceptible to the cynical race-baiting and fearmongering of modern right wing media figures and politicians.

      Whatever, the genetic component might be – if any – there would be less right wing political violence if people like Trump, Carlson and most current GOP leaders quit encouraging resentment and fear in the white population.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. RE: “I cannot accept your premise that ‘conservatives’ are born inherently more violent than everyone else…”

        My premise is this: The deadly pattern may be rooted in evolutionary biology; it may be genetic.

        Don’t put words in my mouth.

        RE: “there would be less right wing political violence if people like Trump, Carlson and most current GOP leaders quit encouraging resentment and fear in the white population.”

        I think there would be less political violence of all kinds if people like you would quit encouraging resentment and fear against the people you don’t like.


        1. “Don’t put words in my mouth?”

          I did not.

          The pattern we are discussing is the pattern of right wing political violence.
          You suggested “The deadly pattern may be rooted in evolutionary biology; it may be genetic.”

          How did I put words in your mouth? If that “deadly pattern” is genetic it means that right wingers are born with a genetic tendency to violence not shared by others. It could not mean anything else.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. RE: “How did I put words in your mouth?”

          You wrote: “I cannot accept your premise that ‘conservatives’ are born inherently more violent than everyone else…” But I said nothing about conservatives and nothing about any group being more violent than any other group. Hence, your characterization of my premise was unwarranted.


          1. This is just one more example of you failing to comprehend clear and precise statements.


          2. “This is just one more example of you failing to comprehend clear and precise statements.”

            Maybe if you actually made clear and precise statements it wouldn’t be an issue.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. RE: “Maybe if you actually made clear and precise statements it wouldn’t be an issue.”

            Maybe if you didn’t make erroneous assumptions you wouldn’t find clear and precise statements confusing.


          1. People like Mr. Murphy are not big enough to be a “side,” but people who encourage resentment and fear against others they don’t like are everywhere.


          2. My comment was in reply to your “I think there would be less political violence of all kinds if people like you would quit encouraging resentment and fear against the people you don’t like.” You appear to be saying the hate and resentment comes only from one side and deny the facts provided by ADL.

            …”but people who encourage resentment and fear against others they don’t like are everywhere.”

            Pretty apt description of White Replacement Theory for one who claims to never have heard of it.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. RE: “You appear to be saying the hate and resentment comes only from one side and deny the facts provided by ADL.”

            You appear to be seeing things you want to see.


  3. Your post illustrates the error the ADL makes. You attach things in no way conservative to conservatives.

    You assume the Buffalo shooter is conservative, but his manifesto said he hates FOX News and he describes himself as a “leftist authoritarian.”

    Racism has nothing to do with conservatism. I’ve been exposed to virulent racists. Klansman David Duke, for example, called himself a Republican one of the many times he ran for office, but he was consumed with wealth envy, and in every aspect other than racism, he was well to the left of Mr Murphy. Wealth envy is as near universal among KKK members as antisemitism.

    But your lack of self awarness is stunning, This entire post could hoenstly be charcteried as hate speech.


        1. Uh a white “ethno-nationaist” who targets black people to fight back against Replacement theory has you “off the hook” how?

          Is it easier for you to point the finger at someone else rather than think about the inflammatory rhetoric you beleive and repeat?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Don’t forget he stated his hatred for Libertarians and conservatives, and his authoritarian approach to the environment.

            That doesn’t put him on my side of the fence.


          2. The shooter is a mentally ill 18 year old. The issue is not what he calls himself, but that he was doing his part to remove non-White “replacements”. Did he generate this idea by himself, or did he hear and read about it from others? I think we all know the answer.

            Republicans on the right wing have been warning for years about too many non-Whites coming here and diluting our European “purity” and giving votes to Democrats, supposedly. It is a MAGA specialty.

            I don’t care what the shooter said or wrote, but I do note that he targeted the “wrong” kind of Americans in his mind.

            Like the other shooters, and the Pizzagate guy, they had illusions of patriotism rooted in right wing rhetoric.

            Don’t worry, there will be more, and they will be less and less vague. Maybe, just maybe, some wayward conservatives, will wake up and see the populist scapegoating for what it is: racist cleansing in a truly immigrant built land. A strange combo in my book.

            Liked by 2 people

          3. “That doesn’t put him on my side of the fence.”

            He seems to have hated just about everybody. That definitely puts him on your side of the fence. Just today in another part of this thread you are spreading the falsehood that BLM is a violent movement.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. The ADL report is pretty clear.” Deadly political violence is mostly committed on behalf of right-wing ideology.” Right wing tends to be considered conservative.


          1. The ADL describes famous socialists as right wing.

            Aside from which, they are simply wrong, The violence done by antifa and BLM adherents far surpasses that done by all other politically motivated criminals, combined.


          2. “The violence done by antifa and BLM adherents far surpasses that done by all other politically motivated criminals, combined”


            The ADL report is a compilation of mass murders. They are mostly done by right-wing fanatics. You cannot spin that away. Deliberate mass murder of innocent people is not the same thing as protesters themselves being killed in the streets. And nothing comes close to the 443 victims of political murder.

            There were approximately 9,000 BLM protests after the murder of George Floyd. They were overwhelmingly peaceful. Lies about them being violent protests are lies.


            Most of the few deaths suffered at BLM protests were the deaths of the protesters themselves – not random innocent people targeted for assassination. Many were killed by white supremacist fanatics like your little hero Kyle Rittenhouse.

            Liked by 2 people

    1. “But your lack of self awareness is stunning”

      Not as stunning as yours.

      You can describe conservatives as the salt of the earth, patriotic decent people who love this country and harbor not an ounce of racial animus. And you would be largely correct about the people who have been cast out of the MAGA GOP. Those remaining still call themselves “conservatives” and they have thereby transformed the meaning of the word to reference all sorts of deplorables – racists, insurrectionists, ethno-nationalists,” Putinistas, and just about every other category of hater. There is not a single unifying conservative idea to be found among these MAGA “conservatives.” Nothing but hate and fear makes them a movement.

      Those who continue to support Trumpism, minimize insurrectionist violence, fail to condemn Tucker Carlson’s style of race-baiting schtick, and parrot clueless slanders about our government may not be “deplorable” but they might as well be.

      Liked by 1 person

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