Gun-Toting Ex-Marine Winsome Sears Wins Virginia’s Race For Lieutenant Governor

Source: ZeroHedge.

I couldn’t be happier with yesterday’s election results, especially the clean sweep of the three statewide offices. My takeaway is that America’s accelerating decline will at least be colorful, an interesting show.

I knew nothing about Winsome Sears until I looked up the race at the commonwealth’s election web site a few days ago. What I have learned since appeals to me. I think in particular that governor-elect Youngkin may have equipped himself with a viable successor. Time will tell, but I hope so.

I am glad, too, to be rid of the odious Mark Herring.

25 thoughts on “Gun-Toting Ex-Marine Winsome Sears Wins Virginia’s Race For Lieutenant Governor

  1. Met her before in the primaries when she was running for Lt. Gov. She is truly a great lady – proud American. So excited for her. She will do well. Hard worker, dedicated, and knows what it is like to build up from scratch.


  2. Congratulations to all the “conservatives” out there. It was a good night for you.

    Maybe those of you who predicted a wave of riot, arson and looting in response to your victory will admit to being pretty silly?

    Finally, here is something that Republicans should pay attention to . . .

    Accepting defeat without squealing and lying is important for the maintenance of a civil society.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t find where I predicted that. Can you tell me.where I said that?
      Btw, what about his hiring of the lawyer? Guess you forgot that one?


      1. “I can’t find where I predicted that . . .”
        You are not the only “conservative” frequenting this forum.

        As for the lawyer, what is your point? Has Youngkin not got any lawyers on his campaign staff? My earlier response stands . . . if this narrow outcome had gone the other way McAuliffe could realistically expect a series of legal fights from sore loser Republicans. Recent sore loser history makes that very clear. Being prepared was simply being prudent.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Then please specify because you made a general statement.
          Did Youngkin hire any specific lawyers for that purpose, as did Hillary and McAuliffe? Sorry but Hillary is not the only D before the TDS object to have made comments about election intgrity. Btw, it was the D party who has done more to damage that and the minority vote than any other by policies.


          1. Whatever you “indicated” was indecipherable. Too confused to be understood, much less rebutted.

            But please, let me know when McCauliffe launches dozens of spurious voting fraud lawsuits to be laughed out of court.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. I went to a Youngkin breakfast and Sears spoke as well. The most refreshing statements she made were “I dont need or want anyone to tell me I’m oppressed. I dont need anyone to tell me I need government to survive. I dont need anyone to tell me I can’t succeed on my own.” There were many other black people there as well so it appears, hopefully, that successful blacks have had enough of Democrat pandering and claiming whitey is holding them down.


    1. RE: “There were many other black people there as well so it appears, hopefully, that successful blacks have had enough of Democrat pandering and claiming whitey is holding them down.”

      Historically, the Republican party is the original political home of blacks in America. I hate to make generalizations about people based on skin color, but it is hard to see how Democratic party promises have produced tangible benefits for this demographic over the generations I have witnessed. Quite the reverse.


      1. ” . . . it is hard to see how Democratic party promises have produced tangible benefits for this demographic over the generations I have witnessed. Quite the reverse.”

        Uh, it is not hard at all. Compare the social, economic, cultural and political status of “this demographic” in, say, 1960 versus today. And note that every change that produced this improvement was fought tooth and nail by the Republicans after the set out on their still running “Southern Strategy” in 1968.

        Congratulations to Ms. Sears but to deny that her rising to high office in a southern state was made possible by “leftists” is to deny reality. Same for Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. RE: “Compare the social, economic, cultural and political status of ‘this demographic’ in, say, 1960 versus today.”

          OK. I’ll take the Moynihan Rport (1965) as my primary reference and Thomas Sowell’s Black Rednecks and White Liberals (2005) as its update. Both document in great detail how black families have been harmed by leftist policies since 1960.

          Also, I’ll remind you once again that the “Southern Strategy” is a myth:


          1. “Also, I’ll remind you once again that the “Southern Strategy” is a myth:”

            Bullshit. Exacerbating racial divisions – and not just in the South – has been a principle political strategy of the GOP since Nixon. Its original architect famously acknowledged its pernicious effect on his deathbed. We have seen it in action in every election cycle since. We saw it in “Welfare queens,” “Willie Horton”, “bucks buying steaks with food stamps”, “white hands”, Birtherism, etc. And we see it today in the politicization of CRT and the dishonest demonization of the BLM movement. You can deny reality until you turn purple. It is what it is.

            This woman’s spin, opinions and cherry-picked data points are not persuasive. For example she cites southern support for Herbert Hoover as evidence the GOP was already going to the right before the 1960’s. She leaves out that Hoover’s opponent was the first Catholic to run for President. Southerners were not just racists in those days, they were virulently Anti-Catholic. She also puts weight on Ike’s modest success in 1952. Good grief, he was essentially non-partisan and a national hero.

            As for the rest, black families have suffered the most because of the Reagan Revolution. Of that, there can be no doubt. But even so, their economic status is greatly improved from where it was in 1960.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. ROFL LOL. 3rd step, as Dr. MacArthur said, is a depraved mind. The mind can no longer think. “Exacerbating racial divisions – and not just in the South – has been a principle political strategy of the GOP since Nixon.” The GOP members of Virginia voted to put them at the top of the ballot: a businessman who has roots in all 3 big areas from Virginia, his second in command to be the first African American, immigrant, Marine, female in office, the first Hispanic, child of an immigrant, before they got to the main ballot. Lets add to that: the head of the largest (or one of the largest) Republican city parties is an (again elected by the members) African American (who beat a white guy for the job). His 2nd in command is a woman.

            The amount of talk with no proof is hilarious.


          3. Nothing you have cited refutes the indisputable facts of our recent political history. And that is that exacerbating racial divisions – and not just in the South – has been a principle political strategy of the GOP since Nixon.

            Thanks to the efforts of “leftists” in extending the franchise to African-Americans the GOP found advantage in putting Ms. Sears on the ticket. That is a good thing. That is progress. But even she is following the old playbook when she distorts what the message from Democrats has been. No One has EVER told her that she cannot succeed on her own. The actual message is that there are still obstacles to success that black people face that white people don’t. That too is a fact.

            Liked by 2 people

          4. By using a Closed Convention to choose candidates, the GOP establishment GAVE those spots on the ticket to them. TO deny that is to deny reality. If they had allowed the Republican voters of this commonwealth to choose their candidates, it would have been a VERY different outcome.

            Liked by 1 person

          5. “Her success was made possible by the changes forced on unwilling “conservatives” by “leftists.” “Leftists” were behind the 19th Amendment. The “leftist” 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act ended the de facto discrimination against non-European immigrants. A woman? In the Marines? Unthinkable. “Leftists” made that choice available to her. And, of course, before the intervention of the “leftist” federal government, African-Americans were not even able to vote in many places, much less hold high office. Virginia was such a place.”

            Mr. Murphy (having trouble w/the response here). First paragraph, since the R party members voted for LG elect Sears, no one could force anything on us. We operate according to the R party rules, not any one elses.

            “The “leftist” 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act ended the de facto discrimination against non-European immigrants.” So no need for CRT, systemic racism, etc. if that is true.

            ” “Leftists” made that choice available to her.” Since the R party did the rules on voting, explain how anything could have forced white supremacists, as you call the R’s, to elect an African American woman.

            “And, of course, before the intervention of the “leftist” federal government, African-Americans were not even able to vote in many places, much less hold high office. Virginia was such a place.”” Try Republicans. Guess you don’t read real history. That’s why we want it taught in schools – that’s why the Governor is into that.


          6. “Ms Sears was not ‘given’ her spot on the ticket, she won it.”

            Another straw man? Really? But a typical whiny distortion. Where did I even imply that she had been “given” her success. I stated the fact. Her success was made possible by the changes forced on unwilling “conservatives” by “leftists.” “Leftists” were behind the 19th Amendment. The “leftist” 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act ended the de facto discrimination against non-European immigrants. A woman? In the Marines? Unthinkable. “Leftists” made that choice available to her. And, of course, before the intervention of the “leftist” federal government, African-Americans were not even able to vote in many places, much less hold high office. Virginia was such a place.


          7. “What is a closed convention?”

            You are either stupid or are pretending to miss the very pertinent point that Adam raised. I suppose the later.

            In case you really missed it, Adam is pointing out that the arm-twisting, own-back-patting you people are doing over the success of your black friend is a little exaggerated since her nomination and that of Mr. Youngkin was a cynical move by party leaders and not a sign of a new age of enlightenment of the still rabid GOP base.


          8. Proof of your statements? None. That’s where I get the ‘fantasy’ part from. The party allowed the party members to vote. That is legal. The party had a ranked choice voting system. Multiple rankings were gone thru before it was determined LG elect Sears was the candidate.


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