WSJ lays out the failure of Trumpian GOP: no platform

Reminds me of the old business adage: “a failure to plan is a plan to fail”.

“This decision symbolized Mr. Trump’s takeover of the party. It deprived the party’s candidates of an authoritative account of the Trump administration’s accomplishments. Perhaps most important, it meant that the party would not offer an agenda for the president’s second term. The plan would be whatever Mr. Trump says.”

Add in the daily, drama, uncertainty and chaos of the current regime and even businesses are not happy. 

8 thoughts on “WSJ lays out the failure of Trumpian GOP: no platform

  1. RE: “Perhaps most important, it meant that the party would not offer an agenda for the president’s second term. The plan would be whatever Mr. Trump says.”

    I’m actually OK with that. I see a Trump second term as a do-over of the first term, hopefully without delusional distractions like the Mueller investigation and the impeachment trial. I judge the GOP and the administration as having been largely successful despite resistance and therefore deserving of support.

    WSJ is probably right that recycling the party platform from 2016 is a missed opportunity in some ways, but the last four years have produced many missed opportunities, thanks to the radical left.


    1. “… the last four years have produced many missed opportunities, thanks to the radical left.”

      What did the “radical left” do that the GOP and the regime didn’t already do to themselves?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Two of the delusional distractions I mentioned were the Mueller investigation and the impeachment trial. Considering that both turned into nothingburgers, it is impossible to argue that the GOP and the regime did them to themselves.


        1. Neither was delusional.

          Russia DID meddle in the 2016 election and MANY of Trump’s operatives were proven to be complicit.

          Trump DID try to extort political favors from the Ukraine. His criminal behavior was proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

          By the way, there are no “do overs” in Presidential politics. You get ONE chance to succeed or fail. Trump has failed in almost every possible way and he has no one to blame but himself. The nation hoped that the new President in 2017 would take the job seriously, work hard at it and transition to being a President for all the people. That simply did not happen.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. RE: “MANY of Trump’s operatives were proven to be complicit.”

          Only in your mind.

          RE: “His criminal behavior was proven beyond any reasonable doubt.”

          Only in your mind.

          RE: “Trump has failed in almost every possible way and he has no one to blame but himself.”

          Only in your mind.


          1. “Only in your mind”
            As an argument this is the ad hominem logical fallacy. Instead of challenging the assertions with facts or logic it simply declares that something is wrong with MY mind but not yours.

            I could refute your view with a long list of proven campaign contacts with the Russians and the significant number of people in the campaign who lied their way into jail. I could provide a very long list of the ways that Trump has failed as our President. I could revisit the evidence that PROVES Trump did exactly what he was Impeached for doing.

            But why bother? Your mind is close to the damning evidence that Trump spits in your face almost every day.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. RE: “But why bother?”

            Why, indeed? You are under no obligation to justify your political fantasies to me or anyone else. Besides, it would be a waste of time, since no one in the Trump campaign was ever charged with working with Russia to influence the 2016 election.


          3. And Al Capone was never charged with murder, extortion, bootlegging, gambling and prostitution.

            He did serve time for tax evasion, BTW.

            Liked by 1 person

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