Hidden by the dust of the Trump-Barr “dust up”…


The absolute and complete hypocrisy of the GOP and it’s Congressional Leader, Magic Mitch McConnell, on full display. In 2016, it was let the people decide. In 2020, it is HE will decide.

He tries to cover it up by claiming some 19th century excuse, but it is still hypocrisy, writ large.

16 thoughts on “Hidden by the dust of the Trump-Barr “dust up”…

  1. There’s video, but that is not the point. The point is the rampant hypocrisy in the GOP. You’re right, elections do have consequences. But to blatantly do one thing and then the exact opposite 4 years later is asinine.

    But why am I arguing with a nameless troll? Oh, wait. You are part of that hypocrisy but refuse to admit it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The GOP wanting GOP-approved justices and using its authorized powers to approve them seems pretty consistent and reasonable to me. Far from hypocritical.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not even the least bit surprised by your comment.

      The hypocrisy is saying one thing in 2016 and the complete opposite in 2020. If you don’t see the hypocrisy in the two statements, then you are as bad as the hypocrite.

      I should not have to explain it to a reasonable man. Are you such a man?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. RE: “Are you such a man?”

      Of course. I could have made my point in a very unreasonable way — by personalizing it, for example — but chose not to.


      1. Maybe not. You claim there is no hypocrisy by McConnell between 2016 and today? You did not use his reasoning. You used your own and that had NOTHING to do with what he said/did.

        If you do not believe McConnell’s actions and words are not hypocritical, then you condone the action based on politics and not on reason. – IMHO. Got it!


      2. RE: “You claim there is no hypocrisy by McConnell between 2016 and today?”

        I claim that it is not hypocritical for the GOP to pursue the same objective today that it did 2016 — the appointment of GOP-approved justices.


        1. IN 2016, McConnell refused to even give Merrick Garland a hearing because of the pending election. Today, he is saying he would fill the vacancy if it became available prior to the election. It is the most obvious form of hypocrisy. Yet, because of your political leanings, you claim it is not. Gotcha!


        2. RE: “IN 2016, McConnell refused to even give Merrick Garland a hearing because of the pending election.”

          So what? Garland wasn’t a “GOP-spproved” nominee.


          1. The McConnell reasoning in 2016 was to allow the election to take place. Let the people decide. In 2020, he has no qualms in taking away the nomination form the people.

            Your claim of being a reasonable man just went right out the window. And Gulden’s called. your special pretzel mustard is ready.


          2. He had a better chance of being approved in a bipartisan manner.

            The GOP steals elections and the judiciary. And you are just fine with that. Such a wonderful democratic republic we live in.


          3. RE: “The GOP steals elections and the judiciary. And you are just fine with that.”

            I wouldn’t be if it were true.


          4. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, blocks to open debate. All forms of thievery perpetrated on a national basis by the GOP. It is very true, But because it is “your” side that perpetrates it, you take no issue with the fact that the voices of millions of your fellow citizens are silenced by the actions of the GOP.


        3. Essentially, there is no hypocrisy in politics.

          We allow politicians to do whatever it takes to keep power.

          McConnell is so afraid of losing his position that he will hoist a flag announcing his stand on justices just to make sure the SCOTUS voters stay in line.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. RE: “Essentially, there is no hypocrisy in politics.”

            I wouldn’t go that far. I would say, as Scott Adams does, that calling someone a hypocrite never won an argument or caused anyone to change his mind.


          2. Hypocrites have no shame. They won’t change their minds because they don’t believe that they are hypocrites, even with overwhelming video evidence of such hypocrisy.


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