China Warns Japan

Source: Vox Popoli.

Vox Day highlights a warning delivered in the U.S. by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida a couple of days ago: “East Asia is the Ukraine of tomorrow.”

U.S. foreign policy has become belligerent and destructive. At the same time we have accrued a shameful track record of ineffective military operations. Other countries around the world — including our allies — have begun to notice, and to react.

Day thinks that Japan will break with the U.S. if necessary to avoid war with China. I think he’s correct.

33 thoughts on “China Warns Japan

  1. A piece that we should take seriously does not refer to the United States as “Clown World.”

    And sure enough, a piece that accuses Japan of stirring up trouble in the region while it is China that has been flexing its muscles proves that the initial reaction of disdain was well-founded.

    What we really have here is Japan recognizing that weakness in the face of aggression invites more aggression. THAT is why it is doubling its defense spending not out of loyalty to “clown world.”

    Fortunately, Russia’s floundering failure in Ukraine and the demonstrated resolve of the free world to resist its aggression will have given pause to China. If Ukraine had been easily conquered with no NATO resistance and no economic punishments, the peace in Asia would have been put in greater danger.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RE: “A piece that we should take seriously does not refer to the United States as ‘Clown World.'”

      Why not? Is there a rule someplace that says so?

      Perhaps you misunderstand the reference.

      RE: “And sure enough, a piece that accuses Japan of stirring up trouble in the region while it is China that has been flexing its muscles proves that the initial reaction of disdain was well-founded.”

      You should read more carefully. Japan is the one warning that “East Asia is the Ukraine of tomorrow.” No one has accused Japan of causing trouble.


      1. “No one has accused Japan of causing trouble.”


        “Japan is increasingly trying to justify its ongoing militarization under the pretext of the so-called external threats. Looking around the region, it is Japan that is pushing the regional situation closer to the edge of danger, following the US strategy closely.”

        Liked by 1 person

          1. RE: “It is China that is pushing the existing boundaries and accommodations.”

            Yes, that is exactly the assumption I am challenging. As I wrote, “U.S. foreign policy has become belligerent and destructive.”

            We accuse China of our own bad behavior.


          2. “You are assuming that the incursions your source documents somehow threaten war and justify treating China as an enemy.”

            Uh, no. I am saying that the nation sending its ships into the territory of another country is the nation that is “stirring up trouble.” Your cite blames Japan for the trouble. It is not Japan. It is China. No assumptions required.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Then to be clear, you are trying to change the subject.

            Japan’s foreign minister issues a warning, “East Asia is the Ukraine of tomorrow,” but you want to point fingers of blame at China.

            The issue at hand is that Japan’s interests may align more with China than the U.S.should war break out in East Asia. The Three Wise Monkeys might choose to ignore such an eventuality, but a thoughtful person shouldn’t.


        1. ““East Asia is the Ukraine of tomorrow,” but you want to point fingers of blame at China.”

          The Japanese foreign minister made that comment out of the blue in order to “stir up trouble”

          The Japanese foreign minister made that comment in response to China’s incursions into the territory of Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines and others.

          The record is clear. The latter is what happened. I am not changing the subject. I am refuting the NONSENSE that you are spreading that the US (“Clown World”) and Japan are the nations “stirring up trouble.”

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Either, or, huh?

          There are other possibilities, especially the one Vox Day alludes to: That U.S. foreign policy in East Asia creates the potential for another wasteful military confrontation where a U.S. proxy suffers more than the U.S.


    1. RE: “China cannot afford the disruption in trade that would result from a war with Japan and the US over Taiwan.”

      I have the impression that China can very well afford it, perhaps better than we can. They have proximity, the industrial base, the population, and a professional military with advanced weapons.

      But I doubt the leadership is eager to start a war, in part because of trade, as you note. But also because the transition to a new multipolar world order is already underway. China need only be patient as countries around the world turn against the U.S.

      Hence the current danger is that the U.S. seems inclined to provoke confrontations.


      1. “Hence the current danger is that the U.S. seems inclined to provoke confrontations.”

        Absolutely ridiculous. Certifiable MAGA-Republican Bizzarro World stuff. Responding with determination to aggression is NOT provoking confrontations.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, for example, was provocative.”

          Nancy Pelosi is not a warship nor a fighter bomber.

          Her trip was a RESPONSE to China’s threatening behavior and was to demonstrate that we will resist any attempt to settle matters with military force. That has been our policy for decades. What was “provocative” was China asserting that she could not go. You want to let other countries push us around?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. “Well, she is as ugly as one.”

            Silly, pointless and usually false personal attacks are the go to modus operandi of full-of-shit America-hating MAGA-Republicans. As in this case, it is what passes for wit in those MAGA circles.

            Liked by 1 person

      1. When the confrontation is threatened by the strong, why is it belligerent to offer support and protection to the weak?

        Confrontation is not brought on by support, but by allowing it to occur without ramifications.

        This is Ukraine all over again. Just sit back and let the bullies have their way.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. RE: “However, it appears that appears to be YOUR position.”

          I have never said so. On the contrary, my position always has been that the war in Ukraine must end; U.S. military support is unjust; and the U.S. should actively seek a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.


          1. Yes, the war in Ukraine must end. Putin has to pull his troops out. PERIOD. That will end the war. Unless YOU want the bully to get his way, which has been your pro-Putin position from the beginning.

            Military support of an ally is NEVER unjust. Unless YOU want the bully to get his way.

            As far as diplomatic resolutions go, that comes down to Putin and Zelensky. We should be supportive of any and all diplomatic resolutions, but not at the point of the bully’s spear.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. “I have never said so”

            Uh, yes you have. Many, many times. Again and again.

            Mr. Roberts, whether you realize it or not this is classic for you. Denial and confusion.

            It is very clear that you want the bully – Putin – to have his way. You have given many of the standard Russian reasons for that position many, many times. Russia is sure to win. Russia is fighting Nazis. Opposition is pointless. Why risk nuclear war. blah, blah, blah.

            And now, you flatly deny that such is your position and then, in the same post, you reaffirm that position by calling our opposition to Putin’s aggression unjust. Good grief. If you want to take a position, fine. But don’t try to pretend your position is not your position.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. “ The choice for us is between defending Ukraine or starting WWIII.”

            “ Only an idiot would scoff at Russia’s military capabilities.”

            “ If you want to show us what Russian leaders are telling their people, try quoting Russian or pro-Russian sources. The only difficulty you will face is that idiots here will accuse you of being a “Putin lover.” But at least you will be telling the truth about Russian thinking.”

            This last quote is your admission to using Russian sources and being called a “Putin lover” because of it.

            At least admit what is verifiable. These are just grabbed quotes from your posts for the last month or so.

            Liked by 2 people

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