Someone needs to help this sadly lacking pretend prez.

Just listened to a whiny, pathetic man who has not one single clue how counting votes plays out. He just showed himself to be totally ignorant of how things work. Geesy-peezie!

Everyone who voted for him needs to tell him to pull himself together and try to lose like an adult, not a hands on her hips, foot stomping little girl.

20 thoughts on “Someone needs to help this sadly lacking pretend prez.

  1. I think he knows, or at least some of the folks in his circle knows. His plan in life is to clog the courts with lawsuits, frivolous and ridiculous as well as expensive. Most of them were to get time and make his defendants pay big bills.

    So now he is looking for time though delays with the hope of having SCOTUS rescue his campaign.

    So far nothing has been verified regarding his lying about cheating. Also, judges have issued quick dismissals or rulings.

    At some point it would be nice to have a judge charge the attorneys with frivolous lawsuits.

    Remember that all this noise is all about laying groundwork to destroy our country. Create so much mistrust in our elections along with all the other mistrust that has been foisted upon us. Putin didn’t need to strain himself, his man in the White House is doing his work for him and we are paying him with taxpayer dollars.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. RE: “Remember that all this noise is all about laying groundwork to destroy our country.”

      That’s just crazy talk.


      1. “Crazy…?”

        Not as crazy and unhinged as Trump’s speech last night.

        If the Democrats tried to rig the election, they did a lousy job. No Senate majority, lost House seats, and lost Florida.

        Georgia and Nevada elections are supervised by Republicans. He lied. Vote counting has always gone past Election Day. He lied.

        Stop the counts? Why? Legal ballots don’t count after midnight? If we had stopped the counting in Arizona and Nevada, Biden won.

        He is trying to fire up the fringes for violence. .

        Crazy? Perhaps. But not as looney as the president and his efforts to undermine our elections. Or even as looney as his fans protesting the counts.

        He is a traitor to our country and must leave now.


        Liked by 3 people

  2. “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.” Jimmy Carter

    There is most certainly some fraud, and some unlawful interpretation of law, but whether it is enough to make a difference, or reversible even if so, is in doubt, but let the legal process play out and accept the outcome.


    1. “There is most certainly some fraud…”

      Why, because you say so?

      For that matter, how do we know that Republicans did not stuff ballots in the last election when suddenly 3 blue states found 77,000 new votes to win the key states?

      Using you logic, they did and will try to cheat again.

      Protests in Arizona and Nevada demand that the counting stop. I wish they did prevail because Biden is ahead in both.

      See Trump has everyone so friggin’ confused, just like he said he would do to Leslie Stahl.

      Liked by 3 people

        1. Staged video by a criminal propagandist may justify spreading Trump’s massive lies in your mind but the truth is that your statement . . .

          “There is most certainly some fraud, and some unlawful interpretation of law”

          is still 99 and 44/100th percent BS. The voter suppression, “errors” in voter purging, impairment of postal service and poll taxes imposed by the GOP dwarf any anecdotal evidence of malfeasance on Biden’s behalf. The loser lost. As you used to say to us – Get over it.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Based on Len’s post it appears that once again you have snapped at the bait dangled in front of you by Project Veritas. How many times are you going to get suckered before you stop spreading the garbage created by that criminal propagandist?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. So, the postal workers on the videos were just lying?


            And I would not have to rely on O’Keefe were the MSM not co-conspirators in the fraud. No one else is doing investigative journalism.

            Note that the rejection rate of mail in votes this year in PA is only1/30th of that in 2016. Did PA voters get that much more careful?

            What is sad is that you are delighted to defend fraud if it serves your purpose.


          2. Support fraud?
            Your lack of self-awareness with your ad hominem accusations is – as always – amazing. You have been supporting one Trump fraud after another for at least four years now. You are doing it again. The claim by the President that there is widespread voting fraud is a fraud FAR more significant than some guy reporting what he heard some other guy say in a Post Office somewhere.

            As a reminder, this discussion started when you uncritically repeated Trump’s big lie about voting fraud. When challenged for evidence, THIS PV bull is all you could find. And, you being you, distorted the anecdote beyond all recognition with the claim that it was the postal workers union who was organizing the “fraud.” Calumny and slander. Slander and calumny. Is that really all you have got? Seems so.

            Liked by 1 person

    2. Trump’s speech yesterday was an absolute disgrace. It was packed with lies, self-pity and whining and only serves the purpose of inciting pinhead violence and making it more difficult for President Biden to govern. One wonders if people such as yourself – supposedly patriots and lovers of the rule of law – are ever going to simply face the truth and admit that your loyalty to this piece of shit was misplaced. Probably not.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Don’t know them but I’m not sure what the big deal is.

        Open carry is legal in PA.

        Until recently, VA and PA had reciprocity on conceal carry permits, but the PA Attorney General unilaterally withdrew last year, so one of the guys screwed up by not knowing the rules had changed. PA residents can still exercise their permits in VA, so that might be the cause of the confusion.

        But the open carry arrest is baffling.


        1. The “big deal” is that armed pinheads gathering to threaten patriotic citizens carefully counting ballots in a crucial election is a bad thing. This has now happened in several places. By the way, if just an innocent mistake by one of those wonderful law-abiding permit holders, what was the AR-15 for? So they could demonstrate how peaceful they were?

          Liked by 2 people

          1. They weren’t threatening anyone. Both had their handguns holstered. They have the right to bear arms. They have a right to peacefully protest. And they have the right to do both at the same time.

            Just because you don’t like something is not reason to arrest someone.


          2. Visible guns – holstered or not – ARE a threat especially when combined with obvious anger. This is not a hard concept. I am sure that if you really, really try you will understand it.

            You ducked the question – if just an innocent mistake why take an AR-15 with them? SOMEBODY from around here was concerned enough with their planned behavior to get law enforcement involved. THAT is why they were arrested. Before they had a chance to do whatever it was that they planned to do with those guns.

            Liked by 3 people

  3. Georgia, Georgia
    The whole day through
    Just an old sweet song
    Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind)

    I said Georgia
    A song of you
    Comes as sweet and clear
    As moonlight through the pines

    Other arms reach out to me
    Other eyes smile tenderly
    Still in peaceful dreams I see
    The road leads back to you

    I said Georgia
    Ooh Georgia, no peace I find
    Just an old sweet song
    Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind)

    Other arms reach out to me
    Other eyes smile tenderly
    Still in peaceful dreams I see
    The road leads back to you

    Whoa, Georgia
    No peace, no peace I find
    Just this old, sweet song
    Keeps Georgia on my mind

    I said just an old sweet song
    Keeps Georgia on my mind


    Liked by 4 people

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