Trans Violence

Riley Gains assaulted by man in dress.

Gaines was at San Francisco State University for a panel discussion on protecting women’s sports from domination by transgender athletes. She was driven from the stage, assaulted by a man in a dress, and held hostage for three hours.

Apparently they fear no consequences for violent attacks, the whole bunch should go to prison, for kidnapping and assault.

Trans violence is getting out of hand, that’s what comes of humoring delusions. They feel entitled to do anything they want.

24 thoughts on “Trans Violence

  1. “Trans violence is getting out of hand, that’s what comes of humoring delusions. They feel entitled to do anything they want.”

    What is wrong with you? Your are starting to sound a lot like the extremist homophobe whose name I will not mention. You know, the sicko who frequently posts here with his obsessions about anal sex and penisectomies.

    Here in the real world, there is orders of magnitude more violence directed at trans people than anything they do to others. A few anecdotes here and there – such as this one – versus continuing patterns of violent abuse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not a competition.

      Attacks on transgender people do not excuse attacks BY transgender people, especially in case where the attack is to silence opposing opinion.

      I can live and let live with transgender people but I will not tolerate involving children in their sexuality, or anyone

      I will not accept biological men participating in women’s sports.

      I will not excuse violence by entitled, vengeful transexuals and that seems to be an increasing problem, we need to be every bit as vigorous in prosecuting hate crimes by transexuals as against them. So far, there seems to be no enforcement at all.


      1. “I will not accept biological men participating in women’s sports.”

        Funny way to put it – I mean who are you anyway? – but sure there are legitimate reasons to limit sports to cisgender women.

        As to the rest of your post – sheer nonsense. Which transgendered person has been given a bye for a criminal assault? Cite?

        Your language is dripping with irrational hatred and anger. Just like the sicko mentioned earlier. I think you are spending way too much time watching “conservative” grievance TV.

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      2. “I will not accept biological men participating in women’s sports.”

        Do you also not accept women playing on men’s teams? THere are several cases of young women playing on men’s teams because there is no opportunity for them elsewhere.

        Unintended consequences?

        “I will not excuse violence by entitled, vengeful transexuals and that seems to be an increasing problem, we need to be every bit as vigorous in prosecuting hate crimes by transexuals as against them. So far, there seems to be no enforcement at all.”

        While I agree that ALL violence should be prosecuted, the trend today is for transexuals to stand up against the attacks against them. Violence begets violence.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Gaines did not commit any act of violence against anyone. She was attacked for stating that biological men should not compete in women’s sports.

          I have no problem with women playing in sports with men as they have no advantage and there are no equivalent leagues for them.


    2. Just because you believe in mutilating children to satisfy some sick desire to enable custom ala carte genderism by delusional parents and fantasy experimentalists doesn’t make those of us in the real world extremist. That moniker solely belongs to pond scum like you know who I will not mention.


    3. In true form of the hyper perverse nature of left wing extremists, you compare playing in feces in the same manner as innocently playing on a jungle gym and a penisectomy the same as a manicure. Degenerate deplorable of the left know no bounds of decency.


      1. Decency, to me, is not the issue. Decency is subjective.

        But children treated with puberty blockers at Tanner stage 2(late pre-puberty) will never be able to achieve orgasm as adults. That’s a hell of a thing to do to a child who has no idea what he or she will be giving up.

        What they need is psychiatric treatment for ther underlying problem, usually Autism.


          1. “Among others. ”

            I thought so. I meant an authoritative cite, not a propaganda piece. Something more like this . . .

            “For a sexual clinician, the concept of orgasmic naiveté and the experience of sexual pleasure and health raise fascinating questions. Unfortunately, it turns out there is relatively little data or research to explore these issues in trans youth.”


            Liked by 1 person

  2. RE: “Trans violence is getting out of hand, that’s what comes of humoring delusions. They feel entitled to do anything they want.”

    It seems that way. I think that a culture which doesn’t stigmatize transexualism is almost certain to destroy itself.


    1. True transexuals can be tolerated but the numbers right now make no sense, There has not been a tenfold increase in true transexuals.

      What is going on now is either social contagion or a sequala to an increase in Autism, possibly as a consequence of acetomenophen use in pregnancy.


      1. “True transexuals?”

        So in your MAGA magnanimity you can “tolerate” “true transexuals?” Marvellous. But you cannot tolerate non-true transexuals whom you imply vastly outnumber the true ones. Because, you know, you say so.

        This raises an obvious question. How does anyone know who is a “true transexual” and who is not? And what do we do about those who we cannot tolerate? Do you have a final solution?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. We have to find the explanation for a tenfold increase in gender dysphoria.

          The genome cannot have shifted that much so quickly.

          If it is social contagion, it isn’t real and will go away as the kids mature.

          If it is secondary to the increase in Autism, then transitioning them will only make their problems worse.

          One thing for sure, medical intervention prior to puberty is a huge mistake.


          1. “One thing for sure, medical intervention prior to puberty is a huge mistake.”

            LOL! Because you say so?

            There are sound medical reasons for beginning the transition before puberty. Every case is different. There are layers of controls, second opinions, disclosure, and counselling before action is taken. It is NOT your business nor the business of some hate-mongering politicians to insert themselves into.

            You failed to define who these “true transexuals” are and what your intolerance for the not true category becomes in practice – jail? Euthanasia as per one of your soulmates here?

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          2. There have always been very rare people who chose to live as a different sex, but the recent surge cannot be explained by that background dysphoria.

            There are changes in the body, growth of blood vessels and nerves and parts of the brain that are influenced by the hormone surges of puberty. They either happen on time of they never will happen at all.

            The hormone surge at puberty stops the growth of long bones in girls and accelerates it in boys. That’s why 9yo girls are bigger and stronger than 9 yo boys but by the time they are 12 that is reversed. Those changes are programmed by your chromosomes, and they are not influenced by what you think you are.

            Interfering with puberty to support a mental illness is as wrong as sewing your daughter’s legs together and throwing her in the ocean because she has a childhood fantasy of being a mermaid.


          3. ” . . . recent surge cannot be explained by that background dysphoria.”

            Because you say so?

            You sure it is not just the “woke” increase in tolerance and acceptance that empowers people to acknowledge and address an issue that was too shameful to discuss in the past?

            You are entitled to whatever view you may have about what is the “wrong” medical intervention. And to apply that view in your own decisions and advice you give others. The issue is that once again involving the state in intimate personal decisions is another step towards theocracy. The role of hormones is well-understood by the physicians in the field. I am sure they are aware of the negatives but are also aware that earlier is better for a successful transition. It is a call for the patient, their parents and the physicians to make and not for Ron DeSantis or Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

            And again you have not answered – Who are “true transexuals” you are ready to “tolerate” and what is to be done with those you will not tolerate?

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    2. RE: “True transexuals can be tolerated but the numbers right now make no sense.”

      Fair enough. I certainly believe in tolerance and I’m happy for society to accept transgenders as equal persons in a lot of ways.

      On the other hand, it is important for culture to provide clear signals that describe healthy norms. I wish to emphasize that a culture which normalizes illness can only harm its members, especially children.


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