The Small Secessions of the New Civil War

Source: FrontPage Mag.

I’ve been expecting this. The Russian political theorist Aleksandr Dugin predicted it years ago. More relevant to posts here in the Forum, the observed trend answers the question, “Are Republicans violent extremists more apt to use bullets than the ballot box to get their political way?” It would seem they are not.

The essay doesn’t actually mention Republicans by name, but we can infer that’s who the anti-Democrats among the secessionists really are. We can further infer that the anti-anti-Democrat propaganda against them aims to undermine Republican political activism which, as it relates to the secession of school districts, cities and counties, seems likely to produce experimental results that favor decentralized self-governance.

America is Balkanizing on a granular scale. This is the most peaceful and promising way.

21 thoughts on “The Small Secessions of the New Civil War

  1. A very interesting read. As the movement to “socialize” the country continues from overbearing leftists with disasterous results the more I see this happening. Corruption, rampant violent crime, squatters overrunning every street corner and park, looting, destruction of personal property, defund police, rampant drug addiction, inner city squalor, all the hallmarks of Democrat government eventually opens people’s eyes and they’ve had enough.


  2. It’s interesting that the author supports “small successions” of urban and rural municipalities to govern themselves but is for some reason vehemently opposed to DC statehood.

    “The meltdown of the urban areas drove suburbanization.” Redlining and blockbusting drove suburbanization. To the extent that a “meltdown” occurred, it was because of rapid suburbanization and incorporation.

    Also, how does California “blueing” surrounding states work? What is the mechanism? Voting for democrats is contagious? If the author’s contention is that “geographic regions of less than 1,000 square miles in total rule a a nation of 3.8 million square miles” doesn’t states outside of NY and California voting blue contradict that?

    Interesting article otherwise. I look forward to living in the Chesapeake Bay state.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You don’t have to go to California to see the scourge of ‘blueing’

      Thousands of people from NY and NJ have fled the high taxes, crime and corruption of their home states to retire in Virginia Beach. Once they get here, they vote for the same kind of corrupt, left wing politicians that ruined where they came from.

      The District of Columbia was originally carved from equal portions of Virginia and Maryland. Later it was decided they didn’t need the VA part and it was ceded back to Viriginia, With the exception of the Federal District of government buildings, we could do the same for Maryland, and let those who live in DC be represented through Maryland.

      Alternatively, we could make the whole, original DC a State, including the portion returned to VA. The State of DC would then be Blue but ridded of the cancer of Northern Virginia, Virginia would be reliably Red again.


      1. If they’re fleeing all those terrible things, why would they vote for the same policies? Or is this some elaborate work of sabotage, orchestrated by George Soros, no doubt?

        How has your life been made worse since Bob McDonnell left office, or since democrats controlled the state house?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. They are fleeing the results of feel good politics of envy, but they haven’t looked beneath the surface to see how their good intentions caused bad outcomes.

          How has life been made worse?

          It would be a long list.

          For a start, if I drive from here to Richmond, the laws on where concealed carry is prohibited will change 7 times.

          Let’s not forget that as the vaccines rolled out public employee union members were given priority over elders resulting in hundreds of needless deaths.

          The money that we pay for hunting and fishing licenses used to go to supporting Fish and Game law enforcement and access. now it goes into the general fund and we have to go hat in hand to fund what used to be self funded.


          1. So people vote for “feel good” laws like Medicaid expansion because they’re poor and sick versus the slight inconvenience of not being able to conceal everywhere you want to go and hunting and fishing licenses? Those are the most egregious examples from your long list?

            Liked by 2 people

          2. Escalating electricity costs, higher gas taxes, future obligations that will drive everything else out of the budget.

            But worst of all, politics driven health care instead of following the best medical practices.

            But more importantly, what has gotten better for working people? Not a damn thing.


          3. We’ve heard it a thousand times. Higher wages = fewer jobs. Except:

            Australia has the highest minimum wage of $18.29.

            US unemployment rate, May 2021: 5.8%
            Australia unemployment rate, May 2021: 5.1%

            Liked by 2 people

          4. Australia has an absolute labor shortage and very restrictive and easily enforceable immigration policies.

            You have to be careful making comparisons with other countries with other realities.


          5. The piece you shared contends that higher wages cause job shortages. Even if there is a labor shortage, the Australian wage is a government minimum wage, not a response to a labor shortage. If higher wages have an effect on hiring at all, it doesn’t go the way the article suggests.

            Much of the OECD have both higher minimum wages and lower unemployment. If you’re going to treat Economics as science, you can’t then say the US is special and the rules work differently here.

            Liked by 2 people

      2. Uh, people move south to retire because they are old and prefer warmer weather. And frequently they are motivated by the lower cost of living in economically backward places and take the opportunity to use the equity in their homes in more desirable states to generate liquidity.

        The reason you attribute for these relocations is something that you made up.

        I will note again your silly over use of the charge of “corruption.” What is wrong with you?

        BTW, and FWIIW your whining about variations in conceal carry laws is laughable. Thought you should know.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. …”corrupt, left wing politicians”…

        The fact is there is corruption on both sides of the political aisle. Too bad you are so entrenched in your hatred for any and all Democrats, you blind yourself to that very simple reality.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. “Not in NY and NJ, those are Dem controlled.”

            That is just silly.

            Uh, what state do you think Chris Christie is from? Ever heard of Bridgegate? Or Beachgate?

            How about Elise Stefanik?
            She pushes the Big Lie to get ahead. Is there anything more “corrupt” than that?


            Liked by 1 person

    2. RE: “It’s interesting that the author supports ‘small successions’ of urban and rural municipalities to govern themselves but is for some reason vehemently opposed to DC statehood.”

      The author doesn’t “support” small secessions as you say, but merely notes they are occurring. The drive for D.C. statehood is a counter trend.

      Given a choice between local and national governance, I’ll pick local.


      1. Just curious now. Why not move out to deep Chesapeake or Suffolk or Poquoson or something? Based on the lawn signs I see, deep-blue Colonial Place must be full of backward-thinking big government voters.

        Liked by 1 person

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