Why is this not front page news?

Yale Professor’s speech to Child Study Center

Without addressing the underlying issue, what is wrong with the MSM? If a white professor gave a similar speech about Blacks, does anyone doubt it would be the lead news article on every cable news stations and newspaper, with calls for dismissal and a purge of the department?

Yet not a peep outside of conservative news sources.

At some point, do we not have to hold the partisan press accountable? Even if you are on the  left, do you really want the marketplace of ideas to be based on misinformation and selective reporting? How long will Democrats support a press that acts as the propaganda arm of the radical left?

23 thoughts on “Why is this not front page news?

  1. You need to search outside the right wing bubble once in a while.

    The woman was a private practice psychologist in NY not affiliated with Yale. He speech was a rant designed to shock about race relations.

    Maybe poorly executed, maybe divisive, certainly provocative, but not ignored by MSM.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Just one? The right wing echo chamber is just copy and paste. Volume is not quality.

        Immigration, taxes, day care, healthcare, schooling, infrastructure, COVID…these are issue the vast majority of Americans care about.

        Conspiracies, the Big Lie, family planning, gay rights, guns…these are the issues the Republicans are running on. And it is all to satisfy one man and his hold over about 25% (maybe) of our nation.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. A few thoughts:

    “If a white professor gave a similar speech about Blacks, does anyone doubt it would be the lead news article on every cable news stations and newspaper, with calls for dismissal and a purge of the department?”

    Does someone need to explain to you the historical differences between the lives of black and white people in this country?

    “Marketplace of ideas”

    There is no “marketplace of ideas.” There is just a handful of mega-corporations that own all of the MSM outlets and networks. What they present to us is a sanitized, business-friendly version of events. Reporting is, by definition, “selective.” It’s all propaganda and ideology. It’s all (to borrow from recent parlance) fake news. And I can assure you, nobody of the “radical left” is watching or cares about MSNBC. To think that Comcast is smuggling communist messaging through Mika Brzezinski is laughable.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Does anyone need to explain to YOU that black extremist racist trash is equally as despicable as white extremist racist trash? And YOU actually try to defend it? That exposes YOU quite well. Thanks for exposing your true self.


  3. “ How long will Democrats support a press that acts as the propaganda arm of the radical left?”

    Try the entire right wing talk radio including Sinclair, FOX, WSJ, Epoch Times, Washington Times…

    Some of those media outlets actually campaigned on stage with Trump. Was Maggie Haberman ever on stage with President Biden? How about Clarence Page? Rachel Maddow?

    There is a world outside of Trump you know. The GOP can’t see it, but most Americans do.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. And you do as well with your incessant refrain of N. A. T. You may want to tell the NC GOP, the parade of GOP lawmakers to FL (and probably to NJ this summer) and those who still believe the BIG LIE. Not to mention the so-called “conservative” media who refer any and all back to him and his calls for “reinstatement”.

        Until he shuts up and/or the GOP stops catering to him, it will ALWAYS be about HIM.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Does anyone need to explain to YOU that black extremist racist trash is equally as despicable as white extremist racist trash? And YOU actually try to defend it? That exposes YOU quite well. Thanks for exposing your true self.


  4. This is funny.

    While whining about the content of her speech you and the media you inhabit demonstrate how right she was.

    Sure, her language was harsh but she was speaking to professional adults in a closed session. Where was your outrage when a figure like Ted Nugent was far more violent, provocative and dangerous in expressing his point of view to every gun-toting pinhead on the internet? Oh wait, he is white so it was okay. Just free speech.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. When did Nugent advocate killing random Blacks and feeling good about it?

      I’ve heard Klansmen speak, and this goes way beyond anything I heard from David Duke and his ilk.

      And no, advocating killing people simply because of their race is not OK. ever.


      1. Obviously stupid response. Really stupid. Nugent had a massive audience of deranged people for his calls to kill President Obama. This woman was speaking metaphorically about her own inner anger to a small audience of professional people. Her language was deliberately provocative but not inciteful.

        This is very typical how you people troll the internet looking for obscure offenses by somebody, by anybody to both whine about and disseminate. Poor victimized whitey!

        And to top it off, you complain stupidly about the mainstream media without checking. As a matter of fact, it was a NYT writer that broke the story and caused her PRIVATE remarks to be made public.

        Liked by 3 people

    2. So YOU support extremist racism!!! So YOU expose yourself as a left wing extremist racist provocateur hell bent on stirring a racist pot for a phony narrative. WOW, we didn’t know that already. Hope you take the first bullet from the professor…


        1. I agree. I think the civility has been tested and some are truly wanting.

          Hoping that another commenter that disagrees should be shot to death is kind of reminiscent of Republican “2nd Amendment solutions” or ads with scope lines or targets, or punching a reporter, or other pond scum ideas.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. You defended her speech about shooting people as provocative but not inciteful. making light of advocacy for killing people based on race.

          Suggesting you be first in line for her racial genocide seems to me to be provocative but not inciteful;

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Why am I not surprised?
            You and Bob – Birds of a feather. Same, uh, European civilization chauvinism. Similar level of intellect. Same amount of intellectual honesty. You probably have a few more guns. Of course his expressing the hope that I be shot is not a violation of the civility policy of this forum. Not at all.

            I notice you have not answered the question I posed – where was your outrage when white hero Ted Nugent loudly, publicly and repeatedly called for the killing of President Obama? But let a non-white woman speaking in private to a private group utter one very provocative and unwise sentence and your head explodes with indignation and poor whitey victimhood. If I wanted to illustrate the sorry mucky depths of European civilization chauvinism’s endemic hypocrisy it would be hard to find a better comparison.

            Liked by 2 people

          2. I have not commented on Nugent because I know nothing about the incident you are concerned over and you provided no link.

            A wish that you be shot in another context would indeed be uncivil. but you defended the professor’s desire to shoot White people and directing the consequences of that defense toward you makes a legitimate point, that such things are OK with you so long as it’s someone else paying the price.

            Don’t defend racial murder and no one willmake it personal.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. “Don’t defend racial murder”…

            Interesting. Murder is murder. I have been castigated on this forum in the past for calling hate crimes hate crimes. They are crimes. That is what I have been told.

            Now ALL OF A SUDDEN, you are calling hate crimes hate crimes. Ironic, doncha think?


          4. “I have not commented on Nugent because I know nothing about the incident”

            Yeah, sure.

            Nugent’s criminal behavior was not just an incident. It was his schtick and it was widely covered and discussed in forums where you participate.

            I did NOT defend racial murder. That is nonsense. What I DID do is defend her overall message which I believe is the truth. White people have behaved disgracefully for centuries vis a vis people of other races and that behavior continues to this day as when, for example, shitheads try to demonize legitimate protests against ongoing racial injustice in our country.

            You people need to wake up and smell the coffee. The days of unquestioned white male hegemony in this country are over. Your only answer to that FACT has been to abandon the laws and ideals of our country, worship a wannabe dictator, organize and support insurrection, attack voting rights and threaten more violence. Your attempts to scratch around to find “cultural issues” to hold on to power are increasingly pathetic. This faux outrage against an obscure woman speaking in private to a private audience is emblematic have how sad and desperate you have all become.

            Liked by 1 person

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