This should be fun

Suspicions confirmed.

And away we go.

49 thoughts on “This should be fun

  1. These lib/con crazy/psycho articles have circulated for nearly 50 years. Jeez, at least pick the results from a journal and not some Pew polling.

    BTW, you’re a doctor, of sorts, the only thing you can deduce from the survey is that people who seek help identify as liberal while the conservatives join militias.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I used to listen to Terry Gross whenever I could. She was IMHO the best interviewer ever. She never set out to one-up the interviewee and strictly asked questions. Back in the late 90s or early 00s, she was interviewing an ADD/ADHD expert who claimed that there were millions of undiagnosed girls with learning disabilities.

      The expert claimed tha 8% of boys were diagnosed and being treated with Ritalin but only 4% of girls. Terry asked, “What if boys are being over diagnosed?”

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    2. RE: “Jeez, at least pick the results from a journal and not some Pew polling.”

      Is there something wrong with Pew’s data?


    1. That is true, I read that Mozart was certainly Bipolar, and with proper medication could have lived a long and productive life instead of being buried in a mass grave before he was 40, but he would never have written “The Magic Flute”

      But while a little insanity might be a good thing in artists and visionaries, that’s not who you want drivning the school bus.


      1. I should have put my sarcasm label 😇 on my post.

        I agree, however.

        With regards to Mozart, or any other from a long list of troubled geniuses, if he were medicated, would the highs of inspiration been eradicated to just a bland, gray state between mania and depression?

        Mental illness is recognized by observing or recording abnormal behaviors. And the freer and more open a society is, the less rigid are those “norms”. I think we are transiting, for good or bad, to broadening acceptable lifestyles and behaviors as part of the human spectrum.

        Like all changes, they will be challenging.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. From the source: “Nearly half of young white liberals (46 percent) reported being diagnosed with a mental health condition. That was significantly higher than the percentage of young white moderates (26 percent) and young white conservatives (21 percent) who reported a mental health diagnosis. Young white people who identified as ‘very liberal’ were considerably more likely to report mental health problems, even compared with their peers who identified as liberal.”

    If the numbers are accurate, it would seem that liberals have more mental health problems than moderates or conservatives. Other interpretations are possible. For example, liberals may seek mental health services more often than moderates or conservatives do.

    My hypothesis: Liberal ideas attract a larger number of irrational people, but the stress of believing irrational things leads eventually to abandoning those beliefs or to mental disorder.


    1. “Nearly half of young white liberals (46 percent) REPORTED being diagnosed with a mental health condition. That was significantly higher than the percentage of young white moderates (26 percent) and young white conservatives (21 percent) who REPORTED a mental health diagnosis.” (Emphasis added)

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      1. Not sure what you are trying to say. I assume the survey participants also REPORTED their ideological status. So, if we shouldn’t read too much into one, then we shouldn’t read too much into the other.


        1. What I’m saying is this poll says nothing about the distribution of mental illness, only which groups are more likely to answer in the affirmative when asked. Or to even respond to a poll for that matter.

          And you are correct, self-reporting is almost useless for any decent survey.

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        2. “Not sure what you are trying to say”

          Here, let me help. The correct interpretation of these polls could well be that young white liberals are more honest than young white conservatives.

          Whatever the polling says, we do know that when a million mostly young white liberal women descended on Washington nobody was assaulted. When male conservatives descended on Washington hundreds of them ended up facing felony charges. Enjoy your fun.

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          1. RE: “When male conservatives descended on Washington hundreds of them ended up facing felony charges.”

            That’s because of the white liberal woman in charge of the Capitol Police.


          2. RE: “If that makes ANY sense maybe you can explain how?”

            If you can’t see it, I probably can’t.


          3. “If you can’t see it, I probably can’t.”

            Probably? It is nearly certain that you have no idea in mind with this remark that can withstand any scrutiny. Why? Because it is nothing more than ignorant namecalling directed at Speaker Pelosi. Something you people indulge in at every opportunity.

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        3. RE: “What I’m saying is this poll says nothing about the distribution of mental illness.”

          I disagree. The data point is reported diagnoses. Your observation about the unreliability of self-reports might be compelling if respondents diagnosed themselves, but self-reporting a third party’s medical opinion does not inherently raise bias issues. In any case, I never said the survey found a distribution of mental illness. I said it seems to, but other interpretations are possible.


          1. “but self-reporting a third party’s medical opinion does not inherently raise bias issues”

            It’s not about bias, it’s about people being generally unable or unwilling to be accurate about their thoughts, feelings, opinions. There is an entire field of study dedicated to developing reasonably accurate measures so that surveyors can get the answers they’re looking for without asking directly. Anything self-report questionnaire in the literature has a huge asterisk next to it.

            Of course this is fine for the author of the article, since it’s just a grins and giggles opportunity to make fun of the libs.

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          2. RE: “Of course this is fine for the author of the article, since it’s just a grins and giggles opportunity to make fun of the libs.”

            I’m grinning and giggling at the attempts to discredit or dismiss the article. The pattern so far:

            • Claiming (without evidence) that the source is unreliable.
            • Claiming (without evidence) that the science is faulty.

            • Claiming that something else (unrelated) is more important.

            • Changing the subject.

            • Play acting (falsly) at superior knowledge.

            I find the source credible, the science sound and the topic important without regard to any externalities.


          3. Let me try to explain this a different way.

            Recently the General Social Survey (National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago) showed that the number of heterosexual men 30+ who were virgins had tripled since they started doing the survey in the early 70s.

            Now, this could either signal a rise (pardon the pun) in virginity, or a rise in honesty.

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          4. RE: “Now, this could either signal a rise (pardon the pun) in virginity, or a rise in honesty.”

            So what? That’s no reason to discredit or dismiss the General Social Survey (National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago) study.


          5. Seems to show that Liberals are more self aware and seek assistance then Conservatives. Liberals may be aware something is wrong; Conservatives have no freaking clue.


    2. …”but the stress of believing irrational things leads eventually to abandoning those beliefs or to mental disorder.

      Sounds like a very apt description of T****ism.


  3. My contribution to the joke:

    If liberals are all crazy, it’s probably from the mental gymnastics it takes to try to reconcile capitalism with being a decent person and not grinding poor people into Soylent.

    Come over to the dark side. We can help you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “We can help you” A very scary statement from lefties. Thats what Democrat government always says but is rarely the case.


  4. My daughter is a young, white, liberal. She also suffers from anxiety disorder, and is under doctor’s care and medication to combat anxiety. Otherwise, she is a normal, working, and incredibly intelligent person. Mental illness does not make someone incapable of making good decisions, or understanding the world around them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If she is a liberal, apparently it does.

      That does not negate her value as a human being, but if she is driven by anxiety, she should factor that into her view of the world.

      I tore the bicep in my right arm. I am aware of that weakness, and carry loads accordingly. The same should apply to known mental conditions.

      If she knows she suffers from anxiety, then she should understand that she perceives the threat from such things as the climate and firearms as greater than they really are, and take that distorted perception into account when forming opinions.


      1. It’s usually Republicans that are telling us we need to be terrified of the world around us. Large parts of the US are under Sharia law. MS13 is in your suburb. Men are infiltrating ladies’ rooms. Communists are in charge of education. China is invading any day now. Drugs are going to kill your children. Urban centers are active war zones. Aunt Tifa is taking over the country. Farmers from Central America are going to overrun us. Every Muslim is a potential terrorist. So is every Democrat for that matter. Buy precious metals and cryptocurrency because the economy will crash any day now. Buy more guns because your neighbors are trying to kill you. Big tech is shadow banning your social media posts.


        Liked by 3 people

      2. ” . . . she should understand that she perceives the threat from such things as the climate and firearms as greater than they really are”

        You are projecting again. Personal fear has almost nothing to do with political support for protecting the climate nor for better control of murder weapons. That support comes from an unemotional understanding that our current abuse of the environment will lead to bad things for other people – some alive now and others yet to be born. Similarly, support for better control of murder weapons comes from an unemotional understanding of the harm they do every day to other people.

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      3. “If she is a liberal, apparently it does.”

        Kind of mean to say about a young woman with anxiety disorder. What if she were, say, Marjorie Taylor Greene? Would you have said the same thing? I think not. But this is my opinion based on my history with you


        1. Why would you think that?

          A person has to know themselves to know if they are making good decisions. A person who suffers from anxiety should be aware the world is not as dangerous as it feels to them. The same would be true of 90% of teenage boys who see themselves as superman and need to realize that there are dangers out there.

          We need to be aware of our own filters.


          1. My point is that political leanings have ZERO to do with it. A conservative can also suffer form anxiety disorder. Mental illnesses don’t care about politics. What you are saying is only the liberal ones are not aware of their own filters.


  5. I keep telling liberals they’re crazy but they don’t believe it. Maybe this will encourage them to seek the help they truly need. Paul??


  6. Well, since you find this to be fun maybe you will enjoy this study . . .

    To summarize, the authors found significant physical difference in brains correlating with political orientation. They found that liberals have a larger mass in the “anterior cingulate cortex” while “conservatives” have enlarged amygdala.

    What does this mean? The “anterior cingulate cortex” is the seat of higher functions such as decision making, morality and impulse control. The amygdala – also known as the “lizard brain” – is the seat of more basic functions such as fear, flight or fight, anxiety and threat responses.

    In general these findings help explain earlier findings that liberals are more interested in objective truth (reality has a liberal bias) while conservatives are easier prey for fear mongering con men.

    Say, this IS fun!

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    1. RE: “The amygdala – also known as the ‘lizard brain’ – is the seat of more basic functions such as fear, flight or fight, anxiety and threat responses.”

      In that case, conservatives should reproduce more abundantly than liberals, suggesting that reality has a bias for liberal extinction.


      1. “. . . conservatives should reproduce more abundantly than liberals”

        That makes sense if all the many things that conservatives fear were real threats. But, it is called the “lizard brain” for a reason. It is an evolutionary holdover from the distant past where being fearful all the time had survival value. Modern humans have come to rely more on the higher cognitive and ethical functions of the “anterior cingulate cortex” for survival giving liberals the edge you would like to claim for “conservatives.”

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        1. RE: ” It is an evolutionary holdover from the distant past where being fearful all the time had survival value.”

          So is sexual selection. It will be easy for conservative men to steal liberal women.


          1. “It will be easy for conservative men to steal liberal women.”

            Ya think? So revealing! When is that going to happen again?

            As a matter of fact, most Incels are “conservative.” In fact, it appears that the inabilities, insecurities and, uh, shortcomings of “conservative” men is why they are so hung up on guns. You know – “Get your man license renewed.” Face it, mysogist and “conservative” go together for an obvious simple reason. If you can’t join ’em, hate ’em.

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          2. I’d like to see some proof of your assertion on incells.

            But it depends on how badly Biden screws up the economy, The qualities women look for in a man are largely dependent on how hungry they are


      2. RE: “The qualities women look for in a man are largely dependent on how hungry they are.:

        Exactly right. Hypergamy is one of the strong forces of the cosmos. Liberal men, of course, are so enlightened that they don’t see that attracting a mate requires virility, at least.


        1. As the son, father, father-in-law, and grandfather of Liberal men, as well as being one myself, I can say that we have had no issue in attracting a mate. (OK a little early on the grandson, but the future looks quite bright for the soon-to-be three year old), I can tell you to take your comment and shove it. And it ain’t all about virility.


        2. ” . . . attracting a mate requires virility, at least.”

          Huh? Where did THAT come from?
          Just how inadequate do you actually feel? Maybe this explains your adoration of the arch-misogynist who used to live in the White House?

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