No, We Don’t Need Biden’s $2.3 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

Source: Reason.

The writer justifies her skepticism with a few relevant observations. Most interesting to me is that the universe of infrastructure is divided between publicly-owned and privately-owned assets, with the latter being in better shape. This makes perfect sense in light of the incentives of the asset managers. You could almost make a rule: Public ownership of infrastructure is a poor investment.

9 thoughts on “No, We Don’t Need Biden’s $2.3 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

  1. The more I read into the plan the less I see being actually used for infrastructure. It’s another liberal feel good give away being falsely labelled as infrastructure to get past the masses. B****’s idea of what the definition of infrastructure is is preposterous.


  2. If you decide to buy a house, you obviously want to have it structurally sound. Good roof, good walls, solid foundation, etc. But before you can move in you need power, sewage, water, some kind of HVAC, furniture, appliances and the list goes on. Financing and insurance are also part of the package.

    People who decide to move to another country will certainly consider the quality of life other than just paved roads. Schools, hospitals, public safety, mass transit, courts, ports, daycare, communication and internet services are all part of a country’s infrastructure. They all support businesses and the employees to allow them to function in relative safety and with access to healthy markets and workforces.

    Yes, the current plan on the table is more than paving and repairing. It is trying to build and repair what has been neglected for far too long.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RE: “It is trying to build and repair what has been neglected for far too long.”

      The source writer doesn’t seem to think so. Considering the status of privately-owned infrastructure, perhaps we should just sell the publicly-owned assets.


    2. Mostly what you describe as infrastructure is NOT a federal responsibility. Interstate commerce via roads and bridges is, local schools, colleges, public safety, daycare, ports, hospitals and most courts are state, local or privately funded. What do you not understand about who pays for what? It’s a bullshit boondoggle sold as a phony infrastructure “jobs” plan to push a liberal agenda in the name of “justice”. All of this pandering makes me sick especially McAuliffes new political ads there are out already.


  3. “You could almost make a rule: Public ownership of infrastructure is a poor investment.”

    Clearly not an Elizabeth River Xing customer. There’s a lot of private ownership of US infrastructure. How’s it working?

    Liked by 2 people

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